Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University (FSMVU) is a newly established higher education institute whose goal is to be at the forefront of Turkish higher education and research. The university is subsidized by a very special charity (waqf), the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Charity which was founded in 1470 to facilitate education and continues to serve this goal for over five centuries. FSMVU emerged from the historical waqf tradition which played an influential role in the scientific, civic, and cultural life throughout Ottoman history. Being privileged to have its origins in the centuries-old civic and academic heritage, FSMVU strives to carry on this tradition by combining traditional education with contemporary knowledge.
FSMVU is located in the historical peninsula of Istanbul, which lies at the heart of the city where culture, history, and art are parts of the fabric of everyday life. Our location lends a unique quality to our academic vision. FSMVU hosts all members of the higher education community, from faculty members and researchers, to graduate and undergraduate students.